Catholic prayers are a wonderful resource to help us to grow in love with God and with each other! How's your prayer life? Could it be better? Does life give you more stress than you can handle? Good news: You're not alone! There are over 2000 years of Catholic prayers to help save the day and enrich your life! And many of them are readily available in print and on the internet!
Perhaps you’d just like to know more prayers (for all sorts of needs and occasions) or learn more about them. This collection features those important to every Catholic, daily prayers such as the Our Father, the Rosary, the Act of Contrition, the Angelus, and many more! There are also some lesser known ones here that are quite beautiful and inspiring, such as the Anima Christi, along with many prayers to and from the Saints.
We've also included Catholic prayers for various times in the liturgical year, such as Lent and Pentecost. In addition, you'll find thoughts in these pages to inspire you in your prayer life (and to help you deal with distractions!) written by Saints and other well known religious figures. For example, as St. Pio of Pietrelecina would say, “Pray, hope, and don’t worry”.
Remember that God is never “too busy” to hear from you. Don’t be “too busy” for him! There are some daily Catholic prayers such as the Our Father and the Rosary that take only minutes to say, yet their benefits can last a lifetime!
Catholic prayers can do wonders for your soul. God gives us joy and strength though prayer. You can get a great sense of peace in good times and consolation in bad from them. Our Lord wants to give us the good things we ask for in accordance with His will. The more we pray the more we can grow in His grace.
And God wants to give us as much of His grace as we need to advance in Holiness. All we have to do is ask for it and then follow the Divine inspirations He sends us from His Spirit.
Grace is a gift from God that enables us to live more fully in union with Him. It strengthens our desire to choose good over evil. It also helps us to manage difficulties in our lives better. When we feel humility, compassion, forgiveness we’re putting others’ needs before our own. These are signs of God’s graces working within us.
When we let Him work through us, we help Him to do the same for others. We can show His love for others in how we treat them and in how we pray for them. And now more than ever we can all use as much grace as He wishes to give us!
Still, God hasn’t promised any of us a “Rose Garden” in this life. Sometimes we feel more like we’re in the Garden of Gethsemane where Our Lord prayed in deep agony the night before His Passion over the multitude of sins that fallen mankind would engage in for centuries to come. We might well be feeling as He did that night nowadays, with so much chaos and evil all around us!
Remember though that when misfortunes or tragedies hit us, we can withstand them better with God’s help. And with day-to day problems, Catholic prayers can help turn mountains back into molehills.
Our Lord taught us to pray “lead us not into temptation,” so that we can resist temptations against His will when they hit us. Through prayer we are better able to resist the every day temptations such as envy, hatred, bearing grudges, greed, lust, and selfishness. These negative emotions don’t bring us any real joy or peace of mind.
For those people in your life who continually rub you the wrong way (and we all have them! Bosses, co-workers, family members, etc.), prayer can give you the grace to deal with them better.
Also, as Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Pray for those who persecute and slander you” (Matthew 5:44). God wants us to pray for others, however we may feel about them (or even if we don't personally know them). Such prayers remind us that one way or another, we are all in this journey towards holieness together. Your prayers can do a world of good for others, just as their prayers can help you!
The most important thing is to persevere in your prayer life on your journey with God. St. Hilary once said that “grace depends mostly on perseverance in prayer.”
There are times you might feel you just can’t concentrate, that there are too many distractions. Or perhaps you feel God’s not there. Pray anyway!! God allows us to experience these times of “dryness” for us to grow spiritually. Many great religious scholars and saints went though the same things.
Remember as Our Lord says in John’s Gospel (Chapter 14, verse 2) “In my Father’s house[in heaven] there are many mansions…I go to prepare a place for you.” Our Catholic prayers can help you prepare to “move in” to your true home in heaven, “that blessed fatherland from which we are all exiles,” according to St. Aloysius Gonzaga.
So come and explore the rich heritage of our Catholic prayers. If at times you feel too intimidated or too distracted remember God is always there and ready to help. He’ll help you find the grace you need to deal with the pressures and problems of daily life and to grow in His love. A love this good is meant to be shared. These prayers are for all of us. They are our Catholic prayers.
From the Act of Contrition to Veni Sancte Spiritus check our sitemap to find some of your old and, hopefully new, favorite prayers!
Prayer Requests: For You, Your Loved Ones, or Others In Need
Do you feel sometimes like you haven’t got a prayer? Here you do! Feel free to share your prayer requests with our readers.
We’ll pray for your intentions.
Catholic Daily Prayers: Make Them Your Habit For Holiness
Are you in a rut? There's no better way to get though your day than with prayer! Let Catholic daily prayers recharge your spirit!
A Memorable and Moving Selection of Special Prayers
These special prayers, written by such inspiring figures as St. Teresa of Avila and St. Ignatius Loyola, can be great additions to your prayer life.
The Our Catholic Prayers Blog
In this Blog we take a fresh look at various topics related to Catholic Prayers and our wonderful faith.
Articles of Interest
We'd like to share with our readers these various old articles about our faith.
Daily Mass Readings and Readings from the Liturgy of the Hours
These links for daily Mass readings and the Liturgy of the Hours can help you pray along with the Church and deepen your knowledge and love of our faith.
Aspirations: Short Prayers to Help You Through Your Day
Do you find you have no time for prayer these days?
Aspirations can help! These short prayers can keep you close to Jesus and Mary.
A Memorable and Moving Selection of Special Prayers
These special prayers, written by such inspiring figures as St. Teresa of Avila and St. Ignatius Loyola, can be great additions to your prayer life.
Morning Prayers: To Sanctify Your Day
Morning prayers are as important as breakfast, perhaps
even more so, in beginning your day. Come find some
nourishment for your soul!
Evening Prayers: To Help You Reflect On Your Day With Our Lord
Are you worn out at the end of your day? Let our Lord help give you rest, strength and guidance in evening prayers!
Latin Prayers: An Aid to Holiness
Prayers in Latin can provide us great heavenly grace using "the universal language of the Church".
How To Say the Rosary: For the Sweet Fragrance of Faith
Would you like to walk through a wonderful rose garden ofgrace and love? And get closer to the Blessed Virgin Maryand Her Divine Son, Jesus? Learn how to say the Rosary!
A Scriptural Rosary: To reflect on our Lord and our Lady
Does your mind wander when praying the rosary? Try this scriptural rosary to help you draw closer to our Lord and our Lady in your prayers!
Marian Prayers: For Grace from Our Life, Our Sweetness and Our Hope
Marian Prayers can help you grow in holiness and bring you closer to our Lord and our Lady on your journey towards Eternal Life!
Prayers to Saints: to God’s Most Gracious Advocates
Could you use some Heavenly help these days? Prayers to saints are a great resource to bring us closer to God. Patron saints can give us comfort and strength!
Prayers to the Holy Spirit: For His Guidance and Consolation
Read about how the Holy Spirit can help you grow in grace, love, and sanctity!
Communion Prayers: For Strength and Peace from the Eucharist
Savor time with our Savior! Communion prayers are a great
way to get the most out of your special moments with our Lord in the Eucharist.
Prayers Before Communion: For Fervent Faith to Receive Our Lord
Prayers before Communion can help you clear out your mind’s clutter before Mass so you can focus on what’s really important: time with our Lord Jesus Christ
Prayers After Communion: For Graces for the Asking
Prayers after Communion are most dear to God, according to St. Alphonsus Liguori. Take advantage of this special time for grace!
Confession Prayers: For God’s Forgiveness and Healing from Sin
Are you struggling with sin? Prayers for Confession can help
you receive God’s absolution and much needed grace to
help resist temptations.
Prayers before Confession: To Prepare for this Sacrament
Prayers before Confession can help you focus and ease your mind as you get ready to receive this special Sacrament of God’s love and forgiveness.
Prayers after Confession: To Strengthen Your Walk With Christ
These prayers after Confession can reinforce your renewed relationship with our Lord that comes from His Sacrament of Penance.
Prayers for the Sick: For Help from the Divine Physician
Are you battling an illness? Prayers for the Sick can help our Lord give you and your loved ones His healing grace to help you through difficult times.
Prayers About Death: When You Need Grace the Most
These Prayers about death can help relieve many of the anxieties associated with one’s passing away. We hope they can bring you closer to our Lord!
Prayers for Troubled Times: To Help Ease Suffering
Do you feel more stress than you can handle these days? Prayers for troubled times can help soothe and save souls, both yours and others’ as well!
Prayers for Various Needs: For Divine Assistance in Special Situations
These prayers for various needs cover a number of different virtues and circumstances.
Novenas: Wonderful Prayers for Perseverance
Can you set aside some time to pray for your special intentions? Novenas provide nine days of great opportunities to ask our Lord, His Blessed Mother Mary, the angels and saints for their help.
Litanies: Prayers Of Petition And Praise
Litanies are for more than just complaints! The faithful have prayed these responsive petitions to our Lord, our Lady, and the Saints in loving devotion, both publicly and privately, for centuries.
Prayers Before the Blessed Sacrament: For Adoration and Inspiration
Would you like to spend some special time with our Lord? Visit Him in the Blessed Sacrament on the altar or in the tabernacle. Savor what Bishop Sheen used to call his Hour of Power.
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: For the Fire of His Love
Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus can help us all get closer to our Lord in a truly heartfelt manner. Come give Him comfort, and be comforted as well!
Prayers of Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus: In Fond Reparation
Prayers of Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus allow us to
make reparation to God for the blasphemies He endures
from fallen humanity!
The Catholic Liturgical Calendar: For Some Very Special Appointments
Is your calendar so full of appointments and commitments that you feel overwhelmed at times? The Catholic Liturgical Calendar can help! Pencil in some great opportunities for prayer!
Lenten Prayers: For Our Souls’ Springtime
Lent is so much more than just as a time for giving things up. Lenten prayers can bring you closer to God! Come see how this season can refresh and renew your soul!
Devotion to the Sorrowful Mother: to Honor and Console Our Lady
These prayers in this devotion pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary for all the sufferings she endured with Divine Son for our salvation.
Prayers for Priests: For the Love of the Heart of Jesus
Prayers for priests can help them carry out their sacred, loving tasks administering Christ’s Sacraments as shepherds tending to His flock.
The Our Catholic Prayers Cafe Press Store
Are you looking for some inspirational Catholic keepsakes? Let these designs of Jesus, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Therese help strengthen your faith!
This links page lists some excellent resources to help you with your prayer life and with your walk in faith with our Lord as well.
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(Click on each book below for more information.)